Alexa Perez-Valle, Licensed Esthetician Weston, Fort Lauderdale and Miami

Alexa Perez-Valle, LE


2731 Executive Park Drive  Suite 1
Weston, FL 33331
Phone: (954) 651-6600 

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Alexa Perez-Valle, LE

Licensed Esthetician/Medical Assistant

Alexa Perez-Valle is our Medical Licensed Aesthetician and she graduated from La Belle Beauty Academy. She is a loving individual who has always had an innate passion for healthy and beautiful skin. Her main objective is making others feel confident and comfortable in their own skin. She values each and every one of her patients, ensuring they get the best results through step-by-step guidance and consistency. Originally from Miami, FL, Alexa is fluent in English and Spanish. Alexa looks forward to making a difference in our patients' skin, one facial treatment at a time. 

BioRePeel: The Next Generation Chemical Peel

bottle of BioRePeelBioRePeel is an advanced chemical peel solution designed to rejuvenate and revitalize the skin. It offers a non-invasive approach to skin resurfacing, targeting various skin concerns such as acne, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, and uneven texture.

BioRePeel utilizes a combination of natural acids, enzymes, and biomimetic peptides to exfoliate the skin gently. This unique formula works by removing the outermost layer of dead skin cells, revealing smoother, brighter skin underneath. Unlike traditional chemical peels, BioRePeel is formulated to minimize discomfort and downtime, making it suitable for all skin types.

Learn More About BioRePeel

PCA Peel with Hydroquinone and Resorcinol

The most potent of our enhanced Jessner's formulas, this peel will even skin tone and provide more exfoliation for oilier, thicker and more resilient skin types. It is extremely effective on sun damaged skin. It is also excellent for those with acne or cystic acne and asphyxiated skin (dry on the surface, oily underneath) or those who require deeper treatment.

Sensi Peel®

This gentle solution is formulated primarily for ethnic skin and other extremely sensitive skin types. The Sensi Peel is designed to strengthen and brighten skin while also helping to treat sun damage and other forms of hyperpigmentation. This multi-faceted treatment also provides anti-inflammatory, anti-acne, and antibacterial action, making it an excellent choice for helping calm rosacea or acne prone skin.

Pelleve Skin Tightening

Pellevé is an FDA approved non-invasive wrinkle reduction and skin tightening procedure that uses radiofrequency to provide a more contoured and youthful look. This procedure tightens and firms skin from the inside out by stimulating the growth of collagen under the skin. Pellevé can be used to rejuvenate the entire face and neck- anywhere there is loose skin or wrinkles.

Learn More About Pellevé


Microneedling is a minimally invasive treatment that encourages the production of collagen to rejuvenate the skin. This procedure involves the use of a mechanical “pen” containing multiple very fine needles at the tip. When applied to the skin, tiny punctures are delivered to the epidermis (top layer of the skin), which triggers the body to create new collagen and elastin during the healing process. Results can include improved skin texture and reduction of imperfections in the skin, such as scarring. Microneedling may also be combined with a topical treatment, such as PRP (platelet rich plasma) or another vitamin-rich serum, for additional collagen producing benefits. We use the Eclipse MicroPen which is the most advanced medical-grade automated microneedling device available.

Learn More About Microneedling

Platelet Rich Plasma Facial

The PRP facial is a cosmetic, medical-grade facial to rejuvenate your skin to achieve a glowing and more youthful complexion. In addition to microneedling, we take a sample of your blood to isolate the protein-rich plasma and platelets to create the PRP. The PRP is applied over your face after the microneedling treatment. Both the microneedling and the PRP stimulate collagen growth.

Learn More About PRP


Dermaplaning is a method of manual exfoliation that consists of scraping off the top layer of dead skin cells in order to reveal a smoother, brighter complexion. Once the exfoliation is complete the patient will enjoy the benefits of having no vellus “peach fuzz” hair on the face as well as better skincare product penetration and performance. Dermaplaning can be performed on all skin types. It can also be combined with a chemical peel for a deeper treatment.



Skin Care Products

Skin care products are available to complement Dr. Greene’s treatments. These physician-grade skin care products can be used to prevent aging changes in the skin, correct hyperpigmentation, control acne breakouts, or improve overall skin tone.

BIOJUVE : Living Biome Essentials Duo

BIOJUVE is a revolutionary, first of its kind, living biome skin care system. It uses a clinically-proven, living microbe technology to optimize the overall skin biome, leading to healthier, younger-looking skin. BIOJUVE is a daily regimen to create significant improvements in the appearance of texture, tone, fine lines, wrinkles and photodamage. Some people are seeing results in as little as one week!



Upneeq is an FDA-approved prescription eye lifting drop. It temporarily improves droopy eyelids, or ptosis, with a single daily dose. Patients see an average of about 1 mm of lift in their upper eyelid after the first use, and results are noticeable as soon as 15 minutes after the drop is applied. Contact us to set up your complimentary Upneeq sample during your appointment at our office.

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  • Homeopathic Arnica Montana 30X potency
  • All-natural medication stimulates healing
  • Ideal after injectables and fillers
  • No dyes or colorants
  • 30 sublingual tablets dissolve rapidly
  • Convenient 5-day blister pack

Directions: Adults: 2 tablets, 3 times a day. Not intended for children under 12 years of age. This product is a sublingual application. Do not handle the tablets. Instead, drop tablets directly under the tongue and let dissolve naturally.