Platelet Rich Plasma – PRP Hair Restoration Weston, Fort Lauderdale and Miami

Platelet Rich Plasma, commonly referred to as PRP, is the latest non-invasive treatment option for hair restoration. PRP hair therapy is a procedure in which the Platelet Rich Plasma is injected into the scalp to stimulate and reactivate hair follicles in order to promote new hair growth. PRP hair therapy has been clinically proven to increase hair count and hair thickness in many patients due to platelets being rich in growth and healing factors. This treatment is a quick and safe option to promote hair growth and can be

performed at your medical spa in Weston, FL with no downtime. It is recommended to undergo a series of 3-5 treatments spaced one month apart, followed by maintenance treatments performed every 6-9 months.

What should I expect during my visit?

A small amount of blood is obtained from the patient similar to a routine blood test. Once the blood is drawn, it is then placed into a centrifuge device. The centrifuge spins the blood at high speeds in order to separate the blood into red blood cells and concentrated platelets. Once the blood components are separated, the red blood cells are discarded and we are left with concentrated Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) that is ready to be used in the treatment process. The highly concentrated PRP is then injected into areas of the scalp that are experiencing hair thinning or hair loss. The scalp injections take approximately 10-15  minutes to complete, but expect

to be in the office for one hour for the entire process. After the PRP has been injected into the scalp, we perform a light scalp massage to help ease any tension and to properly disperse the PRP throughout the scalp. We recommend a hot shower after the treatment and to avoid exercise for 24 hours.

What differentiates our PRP System?

We use a patented, superior technology to ensure the purest and most consistent concentration of Platelet Rich Plasma. The ProGen PRP system is an FDA-cleared safe and effective Class II medical device. Our office is expertly trained and highly qualified to successfully perform treatments under the supervision of Ryan Greene, MD, PhD. The platelet concentration ultimately

impacts how much collagen is produced, and therefore impacts the eventual outcome. Results are optimized due to the precise concentration that is achieved with the ProGen PRP processing of the blood. This is important because a concentration that is too high can lead to adverse effects, while one that is too low will not be as effective in creating new collagen. Consistent platelet concentration leads to predictable performance, as we remove the most contaminating red blood cells and the most inflammatory white blood cells. These could potentially lead to inflammation, vascular injury, and impaired healing if not removed.


Is PRP painful?

There can be some mild discomfort during treatment, but this is minimized with the application of our specially formulated numbing cream prior to treatment.

Is there any downtime with PRP?

There is little to no downtime with PRP scalp injections. We usually recommend to avoid exercise 24 hours after treatment.

Are there any risks with PRP?

PRP is an especially safe treatment option with no risk of allergic reaction because it involves your own blood components. Similar to other injectable treatments, other adverse effects include bruising, swelling, temporary discomfort, or infection. In order to prevent bruising, we recommend avoiding blood thinners, such as aspirin, NSAIDS (such as Advil, Motrin), or fish oil, for at least 7 days prior to treatment unless medication is prescribed by your medical doctor.

How long does a PRP treatment take?

PRP injections usually take 10-15 minutes, however, expect to be in our office for approximately one hour. This includes a consultation, drawing and centrifuging the blood, and numbing the area prior to injection.

How many PRP treatments will I need?

Most patients benefit from a series of PRP injections depending on the condition being treated. Three to four treatments are usually recommended. These are spaced 4 weeks apart. Then, one maintenance treatment every 6-9 months is recommended to maintain results.

Who is not a candidate for PRP injections?

1. Blood disorders such as severe anemia, low platelet count, abnormal platelet functionsnn2. Bloodborne infectious disease (such as HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C)nn3. A history of scarring and/or poor wound healingnn4. Have undergone skin radiation in the past 12 months

How soon will I see results with PRP?

Many people start to notice some improvement after 2-3 months after the first treatment, though patients often continue to see improvement up to 6 months after treatment.

Does PRP Hair Restoration work for everyone?

As with all collagen-stimulating treatments, there is variability in the results seen among different patients. Some patients may not see any improvement at all if the PRP does not stimulate increased hair grown for them.